Friday, March 12, 2010

Architecture for Humanity : Donate For Reconstructing Chile

Not too long ago, we had a post here on Freshome about the earthquake in Chile with a few tips on how to design safe homes, that would resist minor seismic activities. In this post we would like emphasize some efforts that are being made in order to help the people of this community. Architecture for Humanity is a non-profit organization which plans on helping Chile reconstructing its buildings, after the devastating earthquake The organization was founded in 1999 and is currently collaborating with more than 40000 designers and architects who are “willing to lend time and expertise to help those who would not otherwise be able to afford their services”.

donating chile

This is the call for action message we found on their site:. “By making a donation today you are supporting a grassroots network of architects, designers and building professionals to lend their talents and expertise in communities where there services are most needed and can least be afforded. You know design matters. Help us use the power of design to build a more sustainable future in communities around the world.

We salute the initiative of Architecture for Humanity and we are giving you a chance to help out as well, by donating in order to help rebuild the constructions in Chile.