Saturday, April 17, 2010

Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchu

Hiroshi was asked to design a wallpaper for Bloompapers, a Barcelona-based wallpaper supplier. When one thinks of Japan or Japanese culture, it is likely that minimalism, order, and ancient customs come into mind, along with karoke, geishas, and sushi. Yet with this project, Hiroshi strayed from these conventional symbols and was inspired by an object that represents Japanese urban life to him.Denchu is the Japanese word for utility pole. Hiroshi believes that although very chaotic with a ‘mess’ of cables, this chaos is also beautiful. Electrical light poles are a symbol of progression and city life, not an easily understandable symbol but one that certainly contrasts the norm.

denchu white Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchu

denchu sky blue Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchudenchu red Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchudenchu pink Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchudenchu orange Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchudenchu green Electrical Light Poles Wallpaper : Denchu