Sunday, April 18, 2010

Light Up Your Bedroom with an Alien Abduction Lamp that Steals Cows

Two years ago when I’ve first published about the Alien Abduction Lamp a lot of people loved this product, but unfortunately the lamp was in the concept stage. For those of you who wanted this lamp so bad the designer Lasse Klein announced that the lamp is finally almost ready for production. “The way from concept to prototype has gone very well, without having to compromise on any important details. The few changes that have been made from the renderings to the final products have been by will and by listening to your feedback in my little survey rather than by necessity. The most noticeable change is the removal of the ornaments and pattern to arrive at a more timeless and clean result. You probably also noticed that it has taken quite a while, but seeng the beautiful result, I think it has been worth the extra time.”

real abductionlamp Light Up Your Bedroom with an Alien Abduction  Lamp that Steals Cows